AMMO Monthly Meeting

AMMO WG Teleconference Minutes – 7 September 2016

On 7 September, 2016 the Additive Manufacturing Maintenance Operations (AMMO) working group conducted a teleconference. A brief summary of the teleconference follows:

Drill template for a modification implementation – Boris Fritz (Rescheduled to October 5th)

LENS Repair, Optomec – Tom McDonald, OPTOMEC, provided an overview of the America Makes LaserPowder Feed Directed Energy Deposition (LPFDED) Repair “Reborn” Project, identifying each of the tasks. He summarized by stating that the focus is on Ti-64 repairs that restore functionality, are low risk and non-structural, and the deliverables include an “infant” data collection DEDatabase for repairs
populated with limited microstructural, tensile and fatigue data, as well as identifying the “best practices” for testing procedures and full repair process related to Ti-64.

Protecting Intellectual Property Rights – Steve Michaluk discussed the newly formed Additive Manufacturing Legal Working Group (AMLWG) which was formed to explore contract terms and conditions for a part that is 3D printed / additively manufactured by the government using alternative data sources. The WG will also examine how product liability is handled once the Government receives the IP/TDP and additively manufactures the part. The WG is currently finalizing a charter, updating their membership, identifying critical issues, and defining their deliverables.

America Makes Maintenance and Sustainment Advisory Group Update – Debbie Lilu provided a summary of the AMMSAG meeting:

a. Brett Conner and Mary Kinsella provided a quick overview of the America Makes Maturation AM for Low Cost Sustainment (MAMLCS) project
b. Greg Kilchenstein provided DoD AMMO WG August Meeting Highlights
c. America Makes Roadmap AG – TRX Value Chain Report – Federico Sciammarella
d. The Additive Manufacturing Standards Collaborative (AMSC) Maintenance WG is still in the process of drafting roadmap inputs, and is asking for feedback on the summary & latest copy from the AMSC, AMMO, and M&S members. They are also still looking for input on standards currently used for maintenance/sustainment that should incorporate AM.
e. ANSI released the agenda for the second AMSC face-to-face meeting to be held at America Makes in Youngstown OH on September 26th. Note: the medical standards group has 60 people.
September Face to Face: Sept. 29, 2016, 8AM – Noon EST at the YBI Conference Room
• Agenda: Planning WG has identified 8 Key Focus Areas:
1. Out brief of TRX Tech Roadmap on Value Chain
2. Shaping Tech Roadmap / Future Project Calls for Sustainment
3. Additive Repairs
4. AM Business Model Wargame Working Group Charter / inputs from Program Review
5. MICAP Approach / Process Flow Discussion
6. Commercial Working Group
7. AMSC Maintenance WG (outbrief from AMSC Monday)
• Please register!
f. The Cybersecurity for Advanced Manufacturing Joint Working Group Public Forum is on Aug 18 – DMDII synergy with America Makes
g. External Outreach: DAU, AA&S – Ed Morris / Marilyn
i. DAU Special Edition 4th Quarter after NNMI – Final articles August 1
ii. AA&S 2017 AM Training Sponsor Opportunity
h. MICAP Part Analysis and Decision Tree WG Discussion
i. The Commercial Industry Working Group deferred the Face to Face to September
j. The next PRMM is September 27-29 in Youngstown
Joint DoD Level AM Roadmap – Mark Vitale and Ian Wing (Deloitte) described several visions and potential for collaboration to pursue common needs and expand the scope of the AM roadmap. They also discussed identifying components which could be consistently produced with AM. DLA has several MOAs with the Services which may be applicable.
Additive Manufacturing Town Hall, 2016 DoD Maintenance Symposium – Greg Kilchenstein (OSD-MPP) mentioned that the Maintenance Symposium will have an AM Town Hall at 8:00 – 10:00 am on Dec 5. The AM Town Hall will provide a “wave-top” overview of what we are doing, where we are going, and what challenges we face. The session will be primarily interactive by answering questions from the audience. The symposium will be conducted from Dec 5-8 at the Albuquerque Convention Center. For more information go to

DAU AT&L Magazine: – The current AT&L Magazine released this week is a special edition focused on Advanced Manufacturing and an emphasis on Manufacturing Innovation Institutes. The following link has hyperlinks to each individual article:

A special issue focused on Additive Manufacturing will be released in the Nov/Dec timeframe.

Also, the AM-focused article “When America Makes, America Works: A Successful Public-Private 3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing) Partnership” is accessible directly at

2016 Maintenance Innovation Challenge (MIC) – Greg Kilchenstein reminded everyone that the deadline for submissions is September 14, 2016. This year the audience will have the opportunity to select the 2016 Maintenance Innovation Challenge People’s Choice award from the finalists presenting at the symposium. For more information go to

1) Submit maintenance related innovations for the 2016 MIC NLT 14 Sep (All)
2) Identify if Service MOAs with DLA are publicly releasable (Ben)
3) Provide input to our next AMMO WG session on the focus area of “AM Technology Descriptions” (ALL)

Next Meeting: – Wed, 5 October, at 10:30 am Eastern Time. Topics to be discussed include:
• Additive Manufacturing Technology Descriptions

POC this action is Ray Langlais, LMI,, (571) 633-8019

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Date(s) - 09/07/2016
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM