AMMO Monthly Meeting

AMMO WG Teleconference Minutes – 6 February 2019

On 6 February 2019, the Additive Manufacturing Maintenance Operations (AMMO) working group conducted a teleconference with over 45 participants.  A summary follows:


AM Directive Type Memorandum (DTM) – Greg Kilchenstein provided an update. The DTM is a predecessor to the actual policy. It allows us to get direction out rapidly, but only has a 12-month shelf life. We have completed the formal coordination and the DTM is now in legal sufficiency review, which should be complete by 22 Feb. Then it will spend up to a week in security review then to Ms. Lords for signature. Anticipate having signed by 2nd week of March. This will be the first DoD level policy on AM. Once the DTM is signed, the next step will be follow-on policy development.


JAMWG / JAMSG Overview – Kelly Visconti provided highlights from the session to include:

  • Data and Model Sharing Council discussed models for data and file sharing, mapping out types of parts, approval, and process scenarios. In the next 6-9 months, they should have something to receive input on.
  • Quality and Certification Council provided an update on their work.
  • Education Workforce Development Council – They are currently developing a Technical Certification Course.
  • Business Practices Council – Kelly referenced a chart on the Joint AM Organization Structure and the JAMSG and JAMWG. She will share the brief.


Next AM Workshop – Greg Kilchenstein, Marilyn Gaska, Debbie Lilu. 18–19 June at the Lockheed Martin Global Vision Center in Crystal City, VA.  The planning team has been working on the five Work Groups:

  • Data Standards and Data / Model Sharing – Leverage (JAMX America Makes Project), TDP Standard Project (NAVAIR Lakehurst), Cyber security challenges and solutions (Blockchain). Sub-working Group – America Makes Storefront (Body of Knowledge).
  • Qualification and Certification – Leverage Government Council. Meeting on Thursday…more to follow.
  • Business Practices – Leverage Government Council – Murder Board
  • AM Contracting Guide – Beta Version, Review Comments and Finalize Contracting Guide
    • AM Integration into Supply Chain
    • IP Management
  • Workforce Development – Government MBC, Bill Kobren, Andy Monje. In addition, someone from the services that is establishing a training center
    • Technician Certification Program
    • Joint Education and Workforce Development Program
  • DoD AM Policy Development – Leaders – Government – Greg Kilchenstein, Tracy Frost / Kelly Visconti. Solicit input from industry

Registration will begin in a couple weeks and participants will select a subgroup area to join.

CTMA Blockchain Demonstration Update:   Greg Kilchenstein & Debbie Lilu. A brief on the CTMA project titled “Adapting Blockchain Technology for Additive Manufacturing” may be part of the AM Workshop plenary session. Greg also detailed the blockchain project’s demonstration schedule below:


Site Branch Location Demo Dates Travel Dates Status
Marine Corps Fab Lab Marine Corps Twenty-Nine Palms, CA 2/6 (full), 2/7 (half) 2/5 – 2/8 Confirmed but may move if AMERDEC needs these dates
AMERDEC Army Corpus Christi, TX 2/12 (full), 2/13 (half) 2/11 – 2/14 confirmed
FRCSW Navy San Diego, CA 2/19 (full) 2/18 – 2/20 Confirmed
NUWC Navy Keyport, WA 2/26 (full), 2/27 (half) 2/25 – 2/28 Confirmed
Tinker ALC Air Force Oklahoma City, OK Week of 3/4 TBD GTF Demo, Date range confirmed but specific dates have not been.


AM Contracting Guide – Greg Kilchenstein and Debbie Lilu. The NCMS / Defense Acquisition University (DAU) team have submitted the rough draft to the AMMO WG for review and comments. Feedback is due back to the team by 1 March. Consolidated feedback will be sent out to all for consensus the first week of March. Rough draft deadline is 31 March, afterwards, the Navy will distribute outside of our working group for the beta/peer review (due 30 Jun), and the official sign-out due date is 30 Sep. (Note: this is still in draft form and dependent upon the beta/peer review – this is not yet official.)

Increased Readiness via AM – Jim Zunino, (U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command), presented a brief on “Attaining Forward Momentum in Achieving Increased Readiness & Modernization.”  He discussed the Army’s operational approach for AM, modernization priorities, AM capabilities and focus areas, technical resources, AM campaign plan, concept of AM employment, and highlighted AM activities.


America Makes AM Mx and Sustainment Advisory Group Update: Marilyn Gaska, Lockheed Martin, provided the following update:

  • The AG is conducting AM Workshop Planning.
  • On January 17, Dave Abbott briefed an “AM New Standards” continuing effort. Access to the slides are available.
  • Dave Siddle provided an America Makes update.
  • Marilyn described several prior America Makes projects awarded to include “Advancing AM Post-processing Techniques” and “Directed Project Opportunity on the Acceleration of Large Scale Additive Manufacturing”.
  • TRX @ SWRI – San Antonio, TX, on March 20 – 21. The Maturation of Advanced Manufacturing for Low-Cost Sustainment (MAMLS) program will provide a report out of their projects.
  • NCDMM Summit 2019 in Blairsville, PA on May 8 – 9.
  • The America Makes annual members meeting is Oct 22-23.
  • Next Monthly Teleconference is on Feb 21st.


Next Meeting: – The next AMMO WG call is scheduled for 10:30-12:00 am (Eastern Time) on Wednesday, 6 March 2019.


POC for this action is Ray Langlais, LMI,, (571) 633-8019


Forum Q&A

BlockChain Demonstrations – Greg Kilchenstein


Q1. Does the TDP being used conform to MIL STD 31000?

A1. Yes, it aligns to MIL STD 31000



AM Forward Momentum (CCDEVCOM) – Dave Sabanosh


Q1. Does Army/CCDEVCOM have a prioritized comprehensive list of AM opportunities (parts) to support materiel sustainment?

A1. I believe the community of practice has a list of parts that they feel are adequate from an engineering perspective.


Q2. What was the AM body of knowledge round robin?

A2. I don’t know. I’ll have to ask Jim Zunino.


Q3. Where do they store the data from all of these tests? Mechanical testing and such.

A3. Some are still located at the individual centers. When released they are stored on the MILSUITE at “”



Agenda Intro

AM Workshop June 2019

Contracting Guide Update

Map Unavailable

Date(s) - 02/06/2019
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM