AMMO WG Teleconference Minutes – 3 Feb 2021
On 3 February 2021, the Additive Manufacturing Maintenance Operations (AMMO) working group conducted a teleconference with approximately 70 participants. A summary follows:
Introduction: Greg Kilchenstein welcomed the group and provided an overview of the agenda. The stated the topics followed a theme of “Enabling a scale up of AM across the DoD”.
Metal Deposition for Sustainment & Repair – Melanie Lang (FormAlloy) described a SBIR program currently in phase II called “USAF Hypersonic Repair On-Demand” where FormAlloy is delivering an automated metal deposition system to build and repair copper-based components (and other metallic parts), with single or multiple materials. The impact is savings for arc heater components and the reduction of procurement risk and test downtime.
DoD AM Strategy – Kelly Visconti (OSD) provided an overview of the recently released foundational document “DoD Additive Manufacturing Strategy”, January 2021. The document delivers the DoD vision and is comprehensive in scope. She briefly outlined the document contents highlighting the five goals and corresponding focus areas listed in the document’s Appendix 1. The goals are 1) Integrate AM into DoD and the defense industrial base, 2) Align AM activities across DoD and external partners, 3) Advance and promote agile use of AM, 4) Expand proficiency in AM: Learn, practice, and share knowledge, and 5) Secure the AM workflow. The key next steps are to collaborate on Joint AM activities, refine DoD implementation plans, implement programs and work with industry, and sustain the AM digital workflow.
MxD Update – Frederico Sciammarella (MxD) stated that he hopes to be able to talk about a cybersecurity project next month. He briefly reviewed the project “Rapid and Secure Deployment of Medical Devices and Instrumentation” where they are working to create a digital methodology framework to expedite the approval of medical devices by the FDA, therefore decreasing the time to market.
America Makes Mx and Sustainment Advisory Group Update – Marilyn Gaska (LMCO) provided an update that included the following:
- Jan 21st meeting monthly meeting
- Preparing for virtual 2021 AM Workshop. Planning to begin soon. Marilyn asked people to send any input to her.
- Featured speaker was DoD Maintenance Innovation Challenge finalist Cory Jamieson, from The Pennsylvania State University / ARL, who presented “Qualifying Laser Based Directed Energy Deposition Repair Strategies for Thin-Walled Components”.
- Discussed the Rapid Innovation Fund process proposal round.
- February 10th – TRX Webinar: Grain Boundary Engineering for Additive Manufacturing
- Next meeting is 18 Feb
AM at GE Research – Chip Cotton (GE) discussed work intended to shorten the design-to-print workflow, where design and build preparation is optimized in days vs weeks, and the cost of additive is subsequently reduced. He also mentioned enabling a secure additive network to include a secure additive supply chain that deploys a global and scalable secure digital trust fabric.
Next Meeting: – The next AMMO WG call is scheduled for 10:30-12:00 am (Eastern Time) on Wednesday, 3 March 2021.
POC for this action is Ray Langlais, LMI,, (571) 633-8019
Forum Q&A
Metal Deposition for Sustainment & Repair – Melanie Lang (FormAlloy)
Q1. What pre, in-situ, and post inspection methods do you use?
A1. We are currently using a laser scanner
Q2. At a high level can you explain the in-process monitoring? DO you actually monitor heat input In-Situ?
A2. Yes we do. We have a variety of modes. Scanning, as mentioned earlier, and true in-situ using melt cool dynamics.
DoD AM Strategy – Kelly Visconti (OSD-MIBP)
Q1. Where does this stand in the hierarchy of policy? Is it expected that a DoDI would be developed from this?
A1. A DODI is being developed that aligns with and is supportive of the strategy.
Q2. What sort of balance is being sought by DoD between establishing organic capability and using the industrial base?
A2. The overarching intent is that the industrial base provides the bulk of DoD supplies and equipment. There are discussions on where the organic base can and will be used. There are OIB rules in place for manufacturing.
MxD Update – Frederico Sciammarella (Org)
Q1. Is industry &/or academia driving to a standard model and terminology for developing and utilizing Digital twin?
A1. Agree that there is a need and are happy to help establish that. There is a digital twin consortium.
America Makes Mx and Sustainment Advisory Group Update – Marilyn Gaska (LMCO)
No Questions
AM at GE Research – Chip Cotton (GE)
Q1. Is the secure ecosystem platform focused on the GE Additive systems and suppliers that have GE Additive systems, or is it an open ecosystem that other technologies and companies can join?
A1. The intent is to do the latter. Starting with our system, particularly as we reach out to the additive supply chain.
Q2. Is GE working to shorten the cycle from print to flight as well?
A2. Great question. Qualification as additive parts is essentially the same as standards parts. There is a lot to do to ensure qualification. All items need to be worked and qualified. It remains very much a developing process.
Q3. How do you see the roles of government including DoD agencies towards the qualification and maintenance for AM? For example, should some of things GE already do become mandatory?
A3. We actually work with the FAA. You may be aware of the nozzle we built and have briefed before. We really don’t think of additive qualification as a new way of qualification. Ultimately, the items will require GE qualification and FAA.
Q4. How are the corrosion properties understood on these metallic AM aerospace parts?
A4. Very similar if not the same. Coupons are built using the geometry. The same methods are used as in traditional manufacturing.
Q5. Can we anticipate a different category of corrosion in AM parts (i.e., corrosion along an AM boundary of material similar to intergranular corrosion?
A5. Remember the part does get put back into machining. That could have an impact on corrosion,
Q6. What considerations are included in GE business case for utilizing AM over traditionally manufactured components?
A6. The chart touched on a few of them. It is total cost, not just the cost of the build. Sourcing is important, as is dealing with wear and tear.
2 – dod-additive-manufacturing-strategy
4 – GRC Additive – AMMO Feb 21
Metal Deposition for Sustainment and Repairv2
Date(s) - 02/03/2021
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM