Additive Manufacturing for Maintenance Activities (AMMO) Working Group – 5 Aug, 2015

Rebecca Taylor, NCMS gave an overview of the goals and objectives of the JDMTP AME Subpanel.  The subcommittee’s goal is to bring better awareness of Additive Manufacturing projects that are currently in process and communicate project activities across the services, i.e. who is doing what.  The intent is to leverage resources across the services in order to minimize the duplication of efforts.

  • A suggestion was made that a future JTEG Technology Forum could be to identify what parts are good candidates for additive? Obtain an understanding of what that activity is and the associated timeline (down select / decision tree).  Downstream – what process need to be in place.
    Action:  Debbie to add this topic to the agenda for future AMMO conference call.
  • A question was raised to Rebecca. What is the opportunity for the AMMO Working Group to participate and have influence on future project selections on the JTMTP subcommittee?
    Action:  Rebecca to send to Debbie a description of the project approval process.
  • Major Eric Kirthner, USMC gave a brief update on the ONR Industry Day that was recently held in Washington DC. He indicated that Additive Manufacturing solicitations will be issued sometime in Mid-September. This would be an open competition.  Several valuable briefs were presented followed by question and answers.  Bill Frazier, NAVAIR provided additional comments.
  • Debbie Lilu, NCMS provided an overview of the upcoming Digital and Additive Manufacturing Technology Forum that is currently scheduled for 2 – 4 November at George Mason University. The agenda is currently being developed and Greg Kilchenstein, OSD requested the AMMO WG to weigh in on the agenda.  The Air Force is collaborating with NCMS to schedule one on one meetings with selected industry technology providers.  Greg requested that the AMMO WG (government participants) would be included in the selection process for identifying what technology providers would be invited to the one on one meetings. On 4 November there will be three tracks, 2 hours slots (12 companies).  All government AMMO WG members are invited to attend the one on one meetings.
    Action:  Liz McMichael to schedule an offline discussion with Greg K. to discuss DoD attendance and support for this meeting.  It was also noted that an AMMO WG meeting would be scheduled for the afternoon of 2 November at George Mason University.
  • Greg Kilchenstein, OSD gave an overview of the recently held Additive Manufacturing Technology Forum that is organized by the Joint Technology Exchange Group (JTEG). The forums are held on the last Tuesday of each month.  There were over one hundred attendees that participated via Defense Collaboration Services (DCS) and phone.   Upon conclusion of each forum the briefs and questions / answers are posted on the JTEG website (
  • Federico Sciammarella presented the America Makes Roadmap via Powerpoint Presentation. Greg Kilchenstein raised the question – How can the AMMO WG influence what technologies are listed on the roadmap. An example that was given, cold spray was not included in the roadmap.  There is an upcoming event at America Makes in Youngstown, OH in October.  A question was raised if the data from completed projects would be available to America Makes members?  America Makes would have access to the data on the America Makes website.
    Action:  Federico to verify if there is a workshop for the Maintenance and Sustainment WG to weigh in on the America Makes Roadmap at the October event in Youngstown.
  • Vinnie Capobianco, NSWCCD gave a brief overview on his current project. He asked the team if his project call could be uploaded to a website.  A suggestion was made to upload the project information on the JTEG website as well as including the information on the next upcoming CTMA Connector Newsletter.
    Action: Vinnie to send the project information to Debbie for uploading to the JTEG and AMMO websites.  Create an article for the upcoming CTMA Newsletter for August.


Respectively Submitted,


Debbie Lilu
AMMO Secretary