AMMO Monthly Meeting

AMMO WG Teleconference Minutes – 1 February 2017

On 1 February, 2017 the Additive Manufacturing Maintenance Operations (AMMO) working group conducted a teleconference. Due to unanticipated schedule changes with assigned briefers, the agenda was modified to a discussion of the next Additive Manufacturing (AM) Business Model Wargame and the proposed scenario for the wargame. A summary of the teleconference follows:

JTEG Virtual Forum on Additive Repair Supporting Maintenance Operations – Greg Kilchenstein (OSD) briefly discussed the 31 January JTEG forum which contained some extremely good content on additive repair methods. Greg specifically pointed out the briefs on cold spray repair and LENS. The 2017 Cold Spray Action Team (CSAT) annual meeting is June 14-15 at Northeastern University, Boston.  The forum was well attended with approximately 60-70 participants on the line.

Next AM Wargame – Greg & Marilyn Gaska (LMCO), discussed the next Additive Manufacturing (AM) Business Model Wargame, also being called AM Wargame II. The event is scheduled for 16-17 May (Tue-Wed), at the Lockheed Martin Global Vision Center in Crystal City in Arlington, VA. The word sustainment has been removed from the name.

Greg facilitated a discussion of the proposed scenario for the wargame. The new scenario is a prequel of the drone scenario from the first wargame. This new scenario encompasses the life cycle of the drone to include the design, configuration management, manufacture through AM methods, procurement, and fielding. The intent is to align the scenario with the 4 areas in the DoD roadmap. The proposed scenario was sent out as an attachment to the AMMO WG call invitation.

Volunteers are being actively sought for the core planning team. Anybody interested in becoming a member of the team, please contact Mark Vitale at or Marilyn Gaska at Government and industry personnel with experience in contracting, legal, and procurement are encouraged to join the team.

Next Meeting: – The next AMMO WG call is at 10:30-12:00 am (Eastern Time) on Wednesday, 1 March, 2017. Prospective briefers include Jim Regenor to discuss “Veri-post Tool and Block Chain technology”, and Brett Conner & Ashley Martof at YSU to provide an update on their AM Business Model project.


POC this action is Ray Langlais, LMI,, (571) 633-8019



AM Wargame 2017 Scenario



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Date(s) - 02/01/2017
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM