AMMO WG Teleconference Minutes – 6 Jan 2021
On 6 January 2021, the Additive Manufacturing Maintenance Operations (AMMO) working group conducted a teleconference with approximately 70 participants. A summary follows:
Introduction: Greg Kilchenstein welcomed the group and provided an overview of the agenda. The stated the topics followed a theme of “Enabling a scale up of AM across the DoD”.
AM Real Time Monitoring – Shuchi SK Khurana (Addiguru) briefed on “intelligence for additive manufacturing” designed to decrease the 40% defect rate in metal additive manufacturing. He stated that in-process monitoring can reduce failed prints and identify defects real-time, virtually eliminating the need to x-ray scan each part. Addiguru’s intelligent imaging provides a layer-by-layer insight into underlying issues and sends alerts when faults are detected, saving time by stopping the builds with issues. For a 2 minute video, go to .
JAMMEX Update – Catrina Murphy (DLA JAMMEX Program Manager) provided an overview and update on the Joint Additive Manufacturing Model Exchange (JAMMEX). JAMMEX is a secure web-based system designed to collaboratively share 3D models across DoD in support of AM. It is accessible by only DoD personnel and each Service determines what users can view and download. Each Service has primary and alternate members on the JAMMEX configuration control board. Currently in Release 2.0, JAMMEX is performing monthly system to system data exchange with Raptor. The frequency is determined by the client. The way ahead includes integrating cold spray repair and performing risk analysis for broadening access to JAMMEX beyond DoD.
Joint Additive Manufacturing Working Group Update – Kelly Visconti (OSD) provided an update on the metrics team which is working to identify a common set of metrics that can be measured and tracked to quantify the progress in the implementation and benefits of additive manufacturing to the DoD. The metrics to capture have been differentiated into three types: Measures of Performance, Measures of Effectiveness, and Measures of Organic AM Capability Readiness. The phase 1 initial metrics to pilot are categorized into data, personnel, machines and materials, and AM part manufacture and usage. This is data that can be collected today with reasonable confidence, and provides the base information for where DoD stands with the use of AM. It is foundational information to get to measures of effectiveness and its’ impact on DoD’s mission.
MxD Update – Frederico Sciammarella (MxD) mentioned that he would like to report back to the AMMO WG in March/April on the “Pathfinder Phase I: Securing 3D Printers in Manufacturing” project. He will cover “what we learned” and the next step. He also described several supply chain industry challenges to include increasing transparency while proactively mitigating systemic vulnerabilities. He described a 2019 project to develop and integrated framework for connecting modular supply chain solutions that presents supply chain managers with the information needed to assess and mitigate risks systematically and efficiently. The project demonstrated a 90% reduction in response cycle time. He briefly mentioned a November 2020 project request to “Achieve Resilience through Proactive Supply Chain Risk Management”, and a future project on “Supply Chain Risk Alert – Wearables”.
America Makes Mx and Sustainment Advisory Group Update – Marilyn Gaska (LMCO) provided an update that included the following:
- No December monthly meeting
- December 10th – Virtual Mini TRX (Presentations are available online)
- Jim McCabe moderated a panel discussion on standards
- Future capability needs and the role AM process control
- Find information on the Women in 3D Printing in the Digital Storefront
- Side meeting on Rapid Innovation Call
- Discuss Rapid Innovation Fund submissions (Due Feb)
- Leverage AIA efforts
- Focus area is on Parts Family
- Discuss Rapid Innovation Fund submissions (Due Feb)
- If interested, contact Marilyn Gaska at
- Updates and Upcoming events:
- Jan 13 – COVID and America Makes Opportunities & Challenges
- Jan 14 – ASTM Webinar: AM Data Management Part 2
- Plan to invite DoD Maintenance Innovation Challenge finalist Cory Jamieson, The Pennsylvania State University / ARL, to present “Qualifying Laser Based Directed Energy Deposition Repair Strategies for Thin-Walled Components” to speak at future meeting.
Next Meeting: – The next AMMO WG call is scheduled for 10:30-12:00 am (Eastern Time) on Wednesday, 3 February 2021.
POC for this action is Ray Langlais, LMI,, (571) 633-8019
Forum Q&A
AM Real Time Monitoring – SK (Addiguru)
Q1. How dependent is the Addiguru software and process on the availability of the existing technical data for the part being additively manufactured? Does it have utility when the tech data is not available?
A1. Actually independent. We do not need a CAD file.
Q2. How much prior data about the materials is needed for the Addiguru to work as depicted?
A2. We have not tested on a new machine. It will be nice to collect more data and train our models. We developed a feature to provide feedback, which we can use to improve learning.
Q3. Where does Addiguru get the materials data needed to detect anomalies in the build layers?
A3. It is collected through the Service bureaus, America Makes, and other places.
JAMMEX Update – Catrina Murphy (DLA)
Q1. Very glad to hear that the security access controls exists, presumably including rules on data rights restrictions and export control. Am I right to assume that POCs include such data rights restrictions and export control considerations when making their approval decisions?
A1. Yes, it is part of access and approval.
Q2. Any work going on in regard to using Additive Manufacturing to remanufacturer/repair Code F parts in DLA stock? Not printing the part. Remanufacturing the worn surface of an unserviceable part to Code A or B condition?
A2. I will provide a POC who can better answer that question.
Q3. When mature, what is the plan for how often will JAMMEX interface with the authoritative system of record to pull data and loaded into JAMMEX?
A3. We are working with the Services for how often they want to pull data. It’s 2 weeks for RAPTOR because information does not change that often. JAMMEX can be flexible to the Services’ Needs.
Q4. Isn’t JAMMEX architected to be a single portal to the military service’s authoritative data systems of record?
A4. We will have it setup as a single repository to other repositories. It will be an interface offering one point of entry.
Q5. Are the JAMMEX processes and CCB rules codified in some official guidebook or document that can be shared?
A5. They are in the CCB charter which is shared with all the members. I need to see who it can be shared with beyond the members. There is also a full user’s guide that can be shared.
Q6. We ask our soldiers in the field to ensure they order the part to create a demand by ordering through supply system//DLA when they 3D print a part in the field. In your mind, what else can the Services do to assist DLA in this area? Also would like to get your thoughts on where we are with the DNA marks for 3D printed parts.
A6. Share the data into JAMMEX. We want to track how often the parts are being used. Reference the DNA markers, we are starting to flesh all that out. i.e. where we do it and what is the approach.
Date(s) - 01/06/2021
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM